26 Poses of Bikram Yoga
A lot has been said about the 26 poses of Bikram Yoga and from the reports found all over the Internet. Bikram Yoga is not a special branch of yoga. Rather it is a set of twenty-six specific postures or asanas which need to be performed in a certain sequence in an environment that is pre-heated to 100-Fahrenheit degrees.The whole exercise takes about 90 minutes and it has to be done every day – in return Bikram yoga claims it would keep you as healthy as it comes. The Bikram Yoga is special in the fact that it is copyrighted to Bikram Choudhury, a person who has been giving yoga classes since he was 20 years old.
Bikram wrote a book on the way he thought that yoga could be used for maximum benefit - "Bikram’s Beginning Yoga Class" for which he obtained copyright in 1979. Ever since, he had demanded that anyone who taught his style of yoga should apply for a license from him – as Bikram Yoga had become copyrighted style of yoga. In 2002 a court in USA granted him this right and ever since Bikram Yoga has been a style or method of yoga that intellectually belonged to Bikram.
What Are The 26 Poses Of Bikram Yoga
There are plenty of ways in which you could learn about Bikram Yoga postures. You could use the book, the video cassette or DVD and self tutor yourself with the help of the material you buy. However, the best is to learn it in a Bikram Yoga (licensed) center as you would be guided carefully into mastering the whole set of 26 postures.Bikram claims that he had chosen these 26 postures in such a manner that the person who practices them would be able to exercise each and every muscle, tendon, organ and even bone and skin once he/ she completes the whole set. The postures should always be performed in the sequence given; it is important that the sequence be maintained as this too has been chosen to optimize the impact it has on the body as well as gradually increase the capacity of the body to perform. The sequence of the 26 postures of Bikram Yoga is as follows:
- 1.) Pranayama Series (Standing Deep Breathing Pose)
- 2.) Ardha-Chandrasana and Pada-Hastasana (Half Moon Pose and hands to Feet)
- 3.) Utkatasana (Awkward Pose)
- 4.) Garurasana (Eagle Pose)
- 5.) Dandayamana-Janushirasana (Standing Head to Knee Pose)
- 6.) Dandayamana-Dhanurasana (Standing Bow Pulling Pose)
- 7.) Tuladandasana (Balancing Stick Pose)
- 8.) Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Paschimotthanasana (Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose)
- 9.) Trikanasana (Triangle Pose)
- 10.) Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana (Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose )
- 11.) Tadasana (Tree Pose)
- 12.) Padangustasana (Toe Stand Pose)
- 13.) Savasana (Dead Body Pose)
- 14.) Pavanamuktasana (Wind Removing Pose)
- 15.) Sit-up
- 16.) Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
- 17.) Salabhasana (Locust Pose)
- 18.) Poorna-Salabhasana (Full Locust Pose)
- 19.) Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
- 20.) Supta-Vajrasana (Fixed Firm Pose)
- 21.) Ardha-Kurmasana (Half Tortoise Pose)
- 22.) Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
- 23.) Sasangasana (Rabbit Pose)
- 24.) Janushirasana with Paschimotthanasana (Head to Knee Pose)
- 25.) Ardha-Matsyendrasana (Spine Twisting Pose)
- 26.) Khapalbhati (Blowing in Firm Pose)
Standing Deep Breathing Poses
This is the Standing Deep Breathing posture which helps warm up the body before the whole set of yoga postures are practicedArdha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) with Pada-Hastasana (Hands to Feet pose)
This is also known as the "Half Moon Pose" - a Hands To Feet Posture that flows the warming up session. In sanskrit 'Ardha' stands for 'Half' and 'Chandra' stands for 'the Moon'Utkatasana Bikram Yoga Pose
This is the third posture and it is also known as the "Awkward Posture" because when performed, it kind of looks like you are half sitting and half standing up – and it looks and feels awkward.Garurasana - Eagle Pose of Bikram Yoga
The fourth bikram yoga posture is called the "Eagle Pose" and it imitates the way an eagle stands on earth.Dandayamana - JanuShirasana
The fifth bikram yoga pose involves a Standing Head To Knee Pose, which is a little difficult to do without professional help (initially) as it requires a lot of flexibilityDandayamana - Dhanurasana
This is a very challenging posture, also known as the Standing Bow Pulling Pose – the sixth of the string of 26 total postures of Bikram yoga.Tuladandasana - Balancing Stick Pose
The seventh of the bikram yoga postures is the Balancing Stick Posture which is named so because it looks like you are a stick for balancing.Dandayamana - Bibhaktapada - Paschimottanasana
The eight one is known as the Standing Separate Leg Stretching Posture and it involves deep stretching on each of your legs.Trikanasana - Triangle Pose
The ninth posture involves your body taking the shape of a triangle and hence it is called the Triangle PostureDandayamana - Bibhaktapada - Janushirasana
The tenth bikram yoga is also known as the "Standing Head To Knee Pose" as it involves stretching and bending each knee.Tadasana - Tree Pose
In the eleventh posture you would take the shape of a tree and hence, this is called as the Tree Pose.Padangustasana - Toe Stand Pose
The twelfth asana or posture is known as the Toe Stand Pose - a complicated posture for beginners, but quite easy to accomplish on practise.Savasana or Dead Body Pose of Bikram Yoga
Sav means a dead body and hence this bikram yoga asana is known as the dead body pose. In this posture (the thirteenth) your whole body relaxes in complete peace with your being.Pavanamuktasana - Wind Removing Pose
'Pavan' means 'wind' and 'mukt' means 'free'. As this bikram yogasana helps you revome gas from within the body it is known as the 'wind removing pose'.Sit up Yoga Pose
This posture is may be the simplest of all – after the dead-body-posture. It involves sitting up.Bhujangasana - Cobra Pose
In this yoga posture, the sixteenth one, you imitate the way a cobra snake stands before it attacks – hence it is known as the Cobra Posture. The word 'Bhujang' stands for cobra/snake in sanskrit. Images below show half and full cobra posesSalabhasana - Locust Pose
This posture is also known as the "Locust Posture" because it imitates the way a locust stands. The word 'Salab' stands for 'Locust' in SanskritPoorna - Salabhasana
The eighteenth posture of Bikram yoga is "Poorna Salabhasana" also known as the "Full Locust Pose". "Poorna" in Sanskrit stands for 'Complete'Dhanurasana - Bow Pose
The 14th asana is "Dhanurasana" or the "Bow Pose". Dhanush mean Bow and hence this asana is called the Bow Pose.Supta Vajrasana - Fixed Firm Pose
The twentieth pose of bikram yoga, the "Fixed Firm Pose" is easy to accomplish and repares the body for the next in the series, i.e. the half-tortoise-pose.Ardha Kurmasana - Half Tortoise Pose
This is the twenty-first posture and it imitates the way a tortoise looks; hence it is called the Half Tortoise PoseUstrasana - Camel Pose
The next posture is the "Camel Pose" where your body is shaped to look like a camel.Sasangasana - Rabbit Pose
In sanskrit, sasang means the rabbit and hence this pose is known as the "rabbit pose"Janushirasana with Paschimottanasan - Head to Knee Pose
The twenty-fourth posture is the "Janushirasana with Paschimottana" also known as the "Head To Knee Pose"Ardha Matsyendrasana - Spine Twisting Pose
The Spine Twisting Posture is the twenty-fifth of the whole set of Bikram Yoga. This is one of the many difficult postures of the seriesKhapalbhati - Blowing in Firm Pose
The last of the Bikram yoga set is the Blowing In Firm posture, which is also a relaxing posture.So these are the 26 different poses of Bikram Yoga also known as hot yoga.
All these postures have to be done twice before going to the next posture and the whole set should take about 90 minutes from end to end.
In order to become a certified instructor a person would need to successfully complete a specially designed training course which is spanned over a period of two months. The successful candidate would then be awarded a certification by which he/she would be recognized as a certified Bikram Yoga teacher.
You will find that Bikram yoga is also called the ‘hot yoga’ - owing to the fact that it is practiced in a pre-heated room. The reason for this aspect of Bikram Yoga is that heat helps the body’s flexibility and at the same time eliminates toxins faster – hence all the 26 postures of Bikram yoga are usually practiced in a pre-heated room which has mirrored walls to help the person see the way they perform and hence practice their postures to perfection.
Bikram claims that if the Bikram Yoga series is practiced in the right way, the person would never suffer from any ailment during his/her life. Yoga has the power of regulating all body functions as well as voluntary and involuntary reflexes. The particular sequence that Bikram has worked ensures that the body is maintained in top form no matter what age the regime is practiced.
Benefits of Yoga Poses
This article discusses the various benefits of performing yoga. It is important to understand that yoga consists of four disciplines and each provides benefits of its own. The four disciplines in yoga are Pranayama (the control of breath), Asana (postures in yoga), Mudras (exercises in endurance) and Bandhas (exercises in contractions). Here we will discuss the immense health benefits of the various Asanas practiced in HathaYoga.It is very empowering to know, and realize with practice, that the human body can achieve all the benefits of most stimulating physical sport just by practicing the different Asanas in Yoga, without any exertion. Physical exercise and sports would involve loss of breath, increased heart beat and fatigue which points to the fact that they are not optimally stimulating to the body. Instead they cause fatigue and friction within the body.
Benefits of Yoga Asanas in Improving Digestive
The stomach, pancreas, liver and the intestines are the major components of a digestive system. The proper functioning of all these organs is vital to a healthy digestive system. Yoga through the use of Asanas aims to do just that. To aid the muscles of these organs and to maintain elasticity and strength it is important to stretch and contract them. When the organs lose their elasticity, their functioning becomes very poor. Elasticity is vital to the functioning internal organs.There are Asanas which are designed specifically towards improving the digestive system. The benefitial yoga asanas which cause the stretching of your abdominal muscles and organs while contracting your back are as below:
- Salabhasana: This posture resembles a grasshopper
- Dhanurasana: The posture of a bow
- Bhujangasana: The posture of a cobra
- Paschimottanasana: Stretching the back muscles completely while lying flat
- Halasana: The plough pose which stretches the back muscles
- Yogamudrasana: This is a mudra which stretches the back muscles similar to the way Dhaurasana stretches the abdominal muscles
Yoga Asanas Improve the Blood Circulation
Asanas such as Uddiyan-Bandha which induces a rising and falling of the diaphragm provides massage to the heart which is very stimulating. The other yoga asanas which are beneficial for improved circulation are as below- Viparitakarani (the inverted posture)
- Halasana (the plough posture)
- Sarvangasana (the head stand)
- Shirsasana (head stand position)
Benefits of Yoga to the Respiratory System
Keeping the lungs in good shape is extremely important towards the optimal functioning of the respiratory system. The various inhaling and exhaling exercises which are performed during the Asanas aid the lung in inflating fully. The below yoga poses are extremely beneficial towards preserving the elasticity of the lungs and the clearing of respiratory tract:- Salabhasana
- Sarvangasana
- Viparitakarani
Yoga Benefits the Endocrine Glands through Stimulation
There are 6 endocrine glands present in a human body namely- 1. The pituitary gland 2. The pineal gland 3. The thyroid gland 4. Parathyroid gland 5. Adrenal glands 6. Gonads or sexual glands
- Bhujangasana (cobra pose)
- Uddiyana-Bandha (abdominal lock)
- Dhanurasana (bow pose)
Yoga Asana Aid the Excretory System
Urine contains uric acid which should be promptly disposed from the body. Present in the large intestine are various bilious waste and other fecal substances which should also be discarded. If these toxic substances are not removed properly they cause severe defects in the human body. The practice of the below Yoga Asanas helps keep the execratory system in a healthy state.- Dhanurasana (bow pose)
- Bhujangasana (cobra pose)
- Uddiyana-Bandha (abdominal lock)
- Sirshansana
- Paschimottanasana
- Sarvangasana
Benefits of Yoga to the Nervous System
The Asana Uddiyana-Bandha is known to help the spinal column remain in a supple condition and is highly beneficial to the synaptic nerve system. The practice of Asana like Sirshasana and Viparitakarani aids the proper function of the cranial nerves situated in the brain region.Benefits of yoga poses to the human body are immense. Following these Asanas on a daily basis will keep your body working in an optimal state and ensure that you are disease free. With improved blood circulation and digestion comes energy assimilation and with improved excretion the body stays free of toxins. Yoga maintains the functional balance in the body and thus creates good health.
Yoga Poses for Weight Loss
Yoga has proved beneficial in many, many afflictions of the human body – both mental and physical. It is universally accepted that yoga is highly beneficial in controlling and reversing many diseases and it can help you get rid of excessive fat that causes obesity.How Does Yoga Help With Weight Loss?
If you asked will yoga help me lose weight, the answer is 'yes'. Yoga is a combination of a set of physical and breathing exercises coupled with meditation. Each set of exercises are meant to address certain problems in the body and most people practice only those which they need. This could be controlling of blood pressure, hypertension, diabetes, depression, arthritis, asthma, digestion, obesity and so on. You name it, and yoga has a remedy for it.What is weight gain? The body gains weight when the metabolic rate is unable to use the calorie intake and hence the excess is turned into fat deposits in the body. The excess calories are usually consumed by strenuous exercises or eliminated altogether through dieting.
Yoga is not strenuous; however, it can increase the rate of metabolism so the body burns more calories than it normally does. In this manner yoga can regulate the fat deposits and induce weight loss without sweating through hours of strenuous aerobics or weight-training in the gym
The plus point of using yoga for weight loss is that besides the fact that you control weight gain and burn more calories than you would normally do (and hence lose weight), it also provides you with an opportunity to meditate. Meditation along with the yoga asanas for weight loss brings about not only the required reduction in your weight but also reduction of in the levels of stress.
Yoga can help you reduce hunger and control those uncontrollable urges that most overweight people fall prey to in between diet programs. Hence, yoga impacts the body through many ways – (i) increases the metabolic rate so more calories are burnt, (ii) reduces appetite and controls hunger, (iii) checks compulsive overeating habits and lastly (iv) relieves stress which many times is one of the main reasons for gaining weight in the first place.
Looking at the above, one can deduce that indeed yoga can help in reducing weight. Yoga is very different from other physical fitness exercises and according to millions across the globe who diligently practice this system, it works. Done correctly, yoga is known to be able to tackle the worst of afflictions.
Bikram Yoga or Hot Yoga for weight reduction:
The type of yoga for weight reduction is the Bikram yoga otherwise known as hot yoga. The 26 different poses of Bikram Yoga can help you loose weight with ease.
If you think you are very obese or fat then the best way to beign is by going for some simple yoga poses and then moving on to the more advanced poses.
There are a few things that you need to take care about when you do yoga – the first and foremost is that you need to learn the asanas or postures from a qualified and certified yoga practitioner. The postures should be done correctly or your health would be harmed rather than helped. Then, you would have to do it everyday even if it is for just 15-20 minutes or it would loose its efficacy. As long as you do yoga in the right way, you would definitely profit from it – in whatever way you want – not only for weight loss.
Reducing Stress
Stress caused because of worries and redundant though can contribute to obesity. So if you think you are constantly under stress then it's high time you change your outlook towards life and try to relax. Stop worrying about the future or constantly thinking about the past and practice dwelling in the present moment. You can try alternatives like self hypnosis to help your mind get out of the fear mode.Eating The Right Diet
The only way yoga will help you reduce obesity is when you follow a proper diet. The first and most important factor is to reduce the intake of salty and spice food items. The best way to achieve this is to include a lot of fruits and green vegetables in your diet as opposed to meat, alcohol, fizzy drinks, oily food, starch rich food (like bread, rice) and other junk food items that can increase the level of toxins in your body.The body needs time to detoxify and you can help the body in this process by consuming a raw food diet (raw carrots, cucumbers, beetroot, dates, sprouts) for breakfast. This is because the body actively detoxifies in the mornings and fruits/raw veggies aid in the detoxification process. Constantly stuffing your stomach with food will not allow the body to detoxify which results in formation of fat. The body simply starts storing toxins as fat. The less you eat the more time the body gets to detoxify. So consider eating a raw food diet (either fruits or raw veggies) in the mornings. You can even take fruit juices as long as they are made at your home and do not contain added sugar or sugar-free tablets. The right diet coupled with yoga will certainly help you lose weight really fast.
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