How to Be a Goddess - Part One

 How to Be a Goddess - Part One

Doves, the next few posts are going to talk about how to be a goddess-like woman, and how to cultivate the kind of feminine beauty that enables you to stand out from the SEA of women. Let's begin.... 
To become truly beautiful and to be a 'GODDESS,' a woman must make it a habit to thinkbeautiful thoughts. Without a doubt, a woman's beautiful heart and soul illuminates the face with an indescribable charm and radiance! 
As YOU get into the habit of thinking beautiful thoughts, you'll also notice that charm and radiance, and that a gradual positive change is starting to take place in the general expression of your face.
As for a woman's facial expressions, the set expressions of her face have been formed by the thoughts that have been most entertained by her mind. And even though a single thought or emotion may have no noticeable effect on a woman's face, a repetition of thoughts become a mental habit, and they produce really APPARENT physical results. 
And each time the cells of the body renew themselves (about every three to four months,) the prevailing thoughts can be emphasized even more strongly in the physical appearance. It's also interesting that many believe that our thoughts are continually rebuilding the physical body at the molecular renewal. 
So, if you feel that your present beauty is below the ideal standard, you don't have to remain a slave to your present appearance, you can CHANGE it! 
In addition, practically any woman can, by thinking the right kind of thoughts and using the right kind of beauty aids (you can find those here; How to be Beautiful With the Feminine Arts ) create so much feminine beauty and power, that in a few months, a real physical TRANSFORMATION will have occurred!
If you're feeling doubt that the face expresses in beauty or ugliness the thoughts of the mind, stand in front of a mirror and think unpleasant thoughts. Even imagine feelings of hate and revenge towards something, or envy, and watch your facial expression. Note the hard cruel lines, and see if you can find a single BEAUTIFUL feature! 
Then, change your thoughts to LOVE, compassion and kindness, and behold my feminine lovelies, the softening of the lines of your face, as well as the tender expression of your eyes and mouth. There may also appear a difference so marked, that it could forever answer the question of how to be a goddess and unlock one of the best-kept secrets of true feminine beauty! 
In addition, if you let your mind continue to hold ugly thoughts, your face will hold an ugly expression. But if you let your mind entertain only pure, beautiful thoughts instead (especially toward others,) your face will continually EXPRESS that beauty. And bypersistently sending out beautiful thoughts you construct permanent beauty within yourself - and become a goddess!
So, to look and feel beautiful cupcakes, you must BE beautiful *smile* 
Even the simplest acts of your daily life reveals your mental attitude. To expect to cultivate feminine beauty without trying to make your thoughts, words and actions beautiful would prove to be a failure - as well as reveal insincerity, shallowness and a love of artifical display.
Essentially, feminine loveliness is a form of true feminine beauty, and loveliness is a likeness of love. Therefore, as feminine women and 'goddesses' it's essential that we express love and kindness towards everyone we meet. Remember too doves, that every thought of hate, envy, jealousy or revenge that we allow to take possession of us destroys our feminine beauty. 
Shun such ugly thoughts as you would a poisonous snake! However, an ugly and evil thought is probably far more dangerous than a snake is, for one evil thought attractsanother in rapid succession.

Many of those women who possess this knowledge, whether consciously or unconsciously, already express a goddess-like beauty of face and form. And s YOU behold the beauty around you, why not mentally affirm to yourself that you'll be as beautiful or more so? For beauty is a woman's natural birthright. 
So my darlings, claim the beauty of nature as your own! You're a part of nature, and you become an even more prominent part by cooperating with its laws. Moreover, feminine beauty is natural, and the lack of it indicates some abnormal relationship to nature. 
And of course many say that ugliness of the body doesn't matter if one has a beautiful heart and soul. But let me tell you doves, that this condition can't really exist, for a beautiful heart and soul will illuminate a body with its own kind of beauty - the body only being a natural expression of the heart and soul.

-Art of Being Feminine-


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